What in blue blazes is wrong with the weather? This ain't right folks. It does not snow conference weekend, IT RAINS!!! Aside from that fact, I was quite done with being cold and was seriously enjoying the balmy weather. Imagine my dismay to go to bed Sunday night in a fairly temperate clime only to wake up to SEVEN INCHES OF SNOW! Let me reiterate. That ain't right.
Thank goodness we are off to the Land of Sun (St. George) this weekend. Perfect weekend for it, I say. I intend to lay on the back lawn and knit in the blessed sunshine. There had better be sunshine.
In other news, I am on a quest, my friends. No, not for the Holy Grail. I am on a quest for the former me, or at any rate, the former me's body.
For, you see, once upon a time, long, long ago, I was thin. Very thin, in fact. And then I got married and put on a few pounds (The silly husband being a stellar cook and all). Then, oh then, I did the unthinkable for one's figure. I had a baby! And I am no longer very thin. Or even thin, really. I tend toward the chubby. Not fat, no, not by any means.
But, yes, somewhat chubby. Now, before you all jump in with your kind words of how I look fine, this is true. I do look fine. What I don't look is like me. And I don't like this not me. It weighs too much, it can't really shop in the juniors section and quite honestly, being thin is infinitely more comfortable than being chubby. When one is thin, seat belts don't squeeze things they oughtn't. Waistbands don't squeeze things they oughtn't. I think I hate the waistband thing more than the seatbelt, although the seatbelt is more uncomfortable. Or would that be less comfortable? Hmmm. The first one gets my point across better. Anyway, as I was saying. The waistband. I don't enjoy having a bit of my anatomy in a shape that can be referred to as a "muffin top". That ain't right!
So, I have embarked on a quest to find the old body. It has a closet full of clothes in my basement that I would like to wear again. They are super cute and were purchased in my more money having days. If I could fit into them again, it would be like brand new clothes! I could go shopping in the basement bedroom!
To aid me in this quest, I have enlisted the help of some online friends. We have a little bet going to see who can reach their goal by June 1. Wish me luck! There is a pair of Seven for all Mankind jeans in my bottom drawer waiting for the old body to love them...
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I just sold my treadmill and got me an eliptical machine. Godsent!!! You should look into one. I put it in my bedroom facing the TV and put on some show that I'm infinitely interested in and got to town.
By the way, Can't wait to see you this weekend. I think you guys are staying at my house since Grandma Henion and Larry will be there also. Yippee!!! Sleeeeeeepover!!!
Actually, I am to blame!!! I have been praying for bad weather over conference weekend to keep the 200,000 - 250,000 protestors of California's Prop 8 from coming to SLC and fasting for church leaders to be out of harm's way during this difficult time. They announced on the news this morning (after the weather report) that the demonstration had been called off due to snow!!! Sorry, Tara . . . but you can have nice weather down here. BTW, we want to put in some gardening plants. Wanna help? See you soon. Drive safe, but hurry!!!
Sorry, it should have said, "and I have been fasting for church leaders . . ."
Hey, Tara . . . bring your walking shoes!!! We can walk around the Bloomington loop and work on that Muffin Top!
Hay Mike let's you and I cook up a storm with dutch ovens, ribs and peach cobbler. We all can pig out then go back on our diets on Monday. I would like to join the quest for a better body. I've got a class reunion I need to be at in July and I need to loose 15 lbs. at least.
I've been searching for my thinner body that has since left over 10 years ago...I am 10 lbs closer to finding it and have 30 more to go to finding it...UGH! Not sure how long that might take, but I know what you mean by the muffin top! Mine has turned into a complete bread loaf!
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