Friday, May 8, 2009

Gratuitous braggery

So, here for your viewing enjoyment are some gratuitous shots of The Small One. Not very many because most of the pics are on Mike's computer and I am on mine.

Here is The Small One at her birthday party at the grandparents.

And here is The Small One in her carseat on the very long drive to the Southern End of the State.


The Whitaker Family said...

LOVE the pics! Gotta hook my sound up for the video so I'll be back... YAY!!!!!!

Marianne said...

Man that kid's a talker. I can't believe she can say her whole entire name. And could the cute sweater you knitted Lilly along with the ponytail, bow combination be any cuter?

3boysohmy said...

She is so dang cute! I want to live closer...